Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

The Nerd Post - Volume 1

No entry about videogames yet? In MY blog?
That's just crazy.

Let's change this right away

Okay before you start reading you might want to know some terminology of advanced nerdhood. 

What is Something Awful or SA?

It's the largest forum on the internet  and it has a sub-forum that's called "Let's Plays". This sub-forum is what it's all about.

What is a Let's Play or LP?

It's simple. An LP is basically a video of some guy playing a video game. So there is a dude, or multiple dudes, who play a game and just talk about the game while they play.
There are post-comment LPs where the dudes play, record the screen while playing, and then watch the video themselves while commenting about what is happening. This is the more serious form of an LP.
And then there is the one where the dude or the dudes do the commentary while they go along, which is usually much more funny and always leads to some funny situations of awesomness.
There are millions and millions of people doing "Let's Plays". 90% of them on Youtube. That's not what you want to watch. SA is all about the LPs. Every LP that doesn't origin from SA is bullshit. Trust me.
Oh and on a short side note. In an LP, it's _always_ about the guys who do it. Not about the games in general. A good LPer can make every game hilarious to watch. Also it's not very important to learn something about the game. It's all about the jokes and funny situations.
...So why am I telling you all this? Well, because I'm about to recommend some hilarious LPs to you. So, who are the guys that will make you laugh tears?

The Dudes

There is Slowbeef.
He pretty much invented Video LPs in...2003 or something and is a pretty funny and random dude. He knows his video game shit.

There is Diabetus.
The LP-bro of Slowbeef. Means, Diabetus is in 80% of the LPs Slowbeef did. Diabetus doesn't know jack shit about the most games and is the funniest person alive.

There are ChipCheezum & General Ironicus.
These two guys only do bro-LPs. Which just means they have got no solo LPs. They aren't as ridiculously funny as the first too. Their LPs have a much higher quality and show off more of the game, they do have pretty awesome moments though. Nobody knows more about Metal Gear Solid than ChipCheezum.

There are Supergraffiti & MoominBiscuit. Another bro team that had a thread going at SA where they made 1-video LPs of shitty bargain bin games for the PS2. Totally hilarious stuff.
I don't how you can get to these videos though, because SA is once again closed for non-subscribers. And you need a credit card to pay the one-time fee to buy an account. By the way, if anyone got a credit card, contact me. I might just pay you twice the money or something if you can get me an account there.

Oh, and there is ProtonJon. He is famous for his Kaizo Mario World LP, which isn't exactly what LPs are going for in general. You can watch it HERE though, it's pretty fucking funny. He's also got LPs of Ninja Gaiden and other Mario Hacks in his Youtube account. He is basically the only guy that LPs Mario World Romhacks while being actually a guy you wanna watch.

The LPs

A short explanation on this. Those are links to the LP-Archive, where finished LPs are stored. Originally all those links where threads in SA, but to not lose them, the LP-Archive opened up and converted those old threads into these little sides. They always consist of a short explanation, the videos (which are what it's all about), some other posts from the original thread and misc. stuff.

Dead to Rights (Slowbeef & Diabetus) - Simply the BEST LP there is. It starts out a bit slow but it gets SO funny.
Snatcher (Slowbeef & Diabetus) - Another great LP. Incredibly funny and you get to know a very old game of Kojima too (you know, the guy who is responsible for Metal Gear)
Super Metroid (Slowbeef)  - Great game, not so great LP. It does get pretty funny in the end though. It has rotating guests also. If you like it, you can watch This afterwards
Killer 7 (Chip & Ironicus) - One of the earlier LPs of these guys. It's more interesting than funny. But it definitely does have it's very very funny moments.
No More Heroes (Chip & Ironicus) - A good LP, more interesting than funny again. It got some good jokes though.
Metal Gear Solid 2 (Chip & Ironicus) - Well what can I say. I love MGS2 and I love this LP.
Metal Gear Solid 3 (Chip & Ironicus) - Well, it's the prequel of the MGS2 one. An awesome LP.
50 Cent - Blood on the Sand (Chip & Ironicus) - It's just so goddamned funny. Holy shit watch this.
The Metroid Primes Series & Metroid Fusion (By Slowbeef & Diabetus) - Those LPs are not done yet and since SA can't be accessed at the moment, these are not available now. 

Well, there are a loooot more LPs. Even more LPs of these guys. And there are a lot more interesting LPers out there. But these are my definitive favourites.
If you wanna dig through some LPs yourself, you can look into SA or the LP-Archive.
You can't access the threads in SA at the moment though, but I think I've said that enough.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll think about making another nerd post about TAS's in the future, but the next post might be about art, college or some shit like that.

Oh, did I mention that all these LPs are in English?

4 Kommentare:

  1. NERD. :D
    Wie war das? Kuscheln mit Game-Musik im Hintergrund... xD


  2. Nicht nur Game Musik, da lief wirklich Megaman :D

  3. Das nenne ich mal wirklich rumgenerde :D

  4. How cool's that ;) I think I will keep checking this blog :) I'm the Dude from the Dude's blog. Why do I need one of this IDs to post here?
