Yes, it's a blog, and I will keep it English, 'cause fuck you.
Occasionally I will switch to German but for the most part, it'll be English.
Well, what will I post here, despite the fact noone gives a fuck anyway?
Nothing and everything. I will post news on what's going on in my life, what I did at the FH. Also post stuff I did there, like, pictures. I'll most likely also post pictures I drew just for no reason. I will also post random stuff like funny 4chan pics I stumble upon or youtube videos. Stuff like the new Megaman Tracks I did while fucking around with FL Studio and things might also wind up here. If I experience crazy shit like a really fucked up weekend you'll also be able to read about it here.For now, I gotta hurry because I need to to catch my bus.
Also, have some disapproval.
Fuchs, du fluchst mir wieder zu viel rum... D:
Hatte auch überlegt, ob ich in Englisch switchen soll. Hat den Vorteil, dass ich 1. das Schreiben etwas trainiere und 2. ich aufgrund des begrenzten Vokabulars nicht Gefahr laufe zu viel Mist zu fabrizieren. ¦D~
*hug* ♥ :3