So, I've been pretty diligent at college.

Here's the outcome of the past weeks.
Topic: "Raum" - 3 picture series
Topic: "Bewegung" - 1 picture
We had to hand in a portfolio, including
7 abstract pictures that we had to describe using multiple adjectives,
3 pictures of an object of our choice in different technices and perspectives and
1 picture of an object that shows plasticity and light/shadow.
Here are the things I threw out in the last minute.
Nothing that special, no deeper purpose behind all these pictures, just exercises.
basically we drew some lines on a sheet of paper and fucked around in Photoshop, then 4 of us (including myself) had to present it in class. Fun stuff.
Well, there's more, but that's all I can handle for now.
What's missing are things from the new 'drawing' class, the old drawing class, "creativity training" and "Fläche, Körper, Raum" (...I really can't be bothered to translate that). All of that will follow when I got the time to care about that.
So long, thanks for reading.
Hasu is pretty much proud of Katze. :3