Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

I need some help here

So, I need to hand in 3 pictures, topic "Landscape" in photography class in the next week.

Now, before  you think any further, don't think of "Landscape" in the extremely traditional way as "only nature, needs to show great distance" and all of that stuff. Landscape can be nature, urban, close, far, houses, trees... you get the idea.
So here are the three ideas I got, always a 3 pictures series, I'd be glad if someone had any kind of opinion on this.

Here they are

Hence Catherine Opie. If I take these I'd redo the third one, making more clear that it's actually the last house of the town before the vast tundra begins.

- alternative no.3, imagine it a bit lighter.

These would be the traditional landscape pictures that anyone would think of if you say "landscape". I think the third doesn't fit into the first 2. If I take these, I'd probably redo the first 2, keeping the same mood in the new pictures of course.

Well, these would be the last idea. Not much to say, probably wouldn't redo much here if I'd take these.

Make sure to look at them in full size if you're going to suggest one of those series to me, I'd really be glad if anyone would care.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Merkwürdigerweise gefällt mir das "Traditionelle" am besten. Also das mit den Sträuchern und Bäumen. Mir gefällt das Mittlere dieser Fotoreihe besonders gut, das hat etwas Bedrohliches an sich, weil der Betrachter nicht weiß, was einen hinter diesem Gestrüpp erwartet.
    Solltest du dich für diese Bilderreihe entscheiden, würd ich eher das 3. verändern. Die anderen zwei finde ich gut so.


  2. diese bilder.. schon von der entfernung betrachtet so vertraut.. als wäre ich bereits einmal dort gewesen :D
